Nicole Lehmeyer

// Executive Director, Co-Founder

Nicole is a software engineering student at 42 Adelaide, with a passion for management, business strategy and enterprise, looking to transition these skills to the finance or consulting industry. In her free time, Nicole is finessing her technical SWE skills, reading non-fiction psychology, bouldering at Urban Climb, or connecting with like-minded creatives and problem-solvers.

FUN FACT: "I think that deep down, everyone loves trains."

Bethany Milford

// Chief Operations Officer, Co-Founder

Bethany is a current software engineering student at 42 Adelaide, with a passion for all things motor-racing, specifically the importance of tyres and how they contribute to racing outcomes. Shout out Hans. B Pacejka. A current climbing fiend, if not at work or 42, Bethany can be found at Urban Climb yapping, while nursing an uplifting caffeine addiction.

FUN FACT: "Tyres in french are called ‘pneu’, pronounced how it’s spelled."

Lachlan Stephen

// Lead Developer

Lachlan is a Front End Web Developer and current software engineering student at 42 Adelaide, passionate about bringing beautiful designs to life on the web, programming and all things problem solving. In his spare time, Lachlan enjoys travelling, photography, football (soccer), and working on his car.

FUN FACT: "In moments of reflection, I often hear the faint choo-choo-ing of a train. I wonder what this means…"